Enjoy a weekly Tazkiah (Purification) & Remembrance of Allah in a group setting
Teacher Talha has began the weekly Reminder & Zikr gathering from 7-8pm on Sundays. He look forward to seeing you there!
Resources is sent regarding the presentation that will be given. The plan is to cover the material and more within the weekly sessions insha’allah, and we will send over what is required too!

Islam teaching at Highlands Masjid
Adult Islamic Education is an essential function that SIEA is established to run inWestMidlands

Taraweeh reminders every Ramadan
Enjoyable and spirit lifting 10 minutes every night during the month of Ramadan

Beautiful Seerah (life history) of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
Weekly session every Sunday 8:00-9:00pm

Quran class every Friday 8:15pm-9:00pm
We read a page from the holy Quran and go through The meaning of the page from the holy Quran in English